Thursday, April 29, 2010

Uganda Enlists Former Rebels to End a War

The article is about the Ugandan government recruiting ex-L.R.A. to help end the war in their country. Most of the people fighting to find the main war criminals (like Joseph Kony) are one's that were taken as children and forced to fight for him so they're all happy to help probably and are good for the job because they "know all of his tricks". Joseph Kony tries to take over places in Africa where government is weak and he thinks that he's been possessed. He's been causing trouble since the eighties, so like thirty-ish years. When the places he lives become peaceful he just moves again with his little army but a bunch of them have been caught. The soldiers looking for Kony are having a really hard job in the woods where they think he's hididng but they stay to do it anyways. An ex-L.R.A man said that he doesn't think Kony is just running away; he's probably rebuilding his army.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Current World Issue: Morocco

I am here as a representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to talk about the pressing issue of illegal trafficking and marketing of drugs from my country into Western Europe. We are really trying to buckle down and improve our existing laws on all of the illegal exportation going on here; we understand the problems this can cause for Europe and want to make it clear that we will do everything in our power to prevent conflict. We ask that all involved parties do the same. It is the belief of King Mohammed VI that upping lawful punishment for drug offences will shake these criminals' confidence and hopefully intimidate them into doing the right thing. A second course of action would be strengthening our control on what leaves the country. We are looking for ways to improve our "customs" at airports and ship-docks. Some of the more common illegal substances we've been dealing with are Hashish, Cannabis (used for Marijuana), and Cocaine, so, authorities be on the lookout for these. This is going to take cooperation on both of out parts.