Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I've learned leaders in many nations of the world face complex problems that they feel cannot be solved without international action or cooperation

Ugandan Orphans
We don't walk through our front doors and have to worry about getting shot or kidnapped 24-7, a lot of people do though. They have tremendously stressful and scary living conditions that they live under in places like Uganda and Palestine. In Uganda Joseph Kony is taking children away from their homes and turning them into child soldiers. Palestinian children are in a social environment that encourages their martyrdom and are put into violent and dangerous situations every day. It's too easy to forget how hard and awful others have it on the other side of the world when we're sitting in our safe, comfortable houses in America. We have soldiers in Iraq yeah, but we have a stable government that helps run the country smoothly, there aren't wars happening in our back yards, and there's no one here invading our country. These are things that we can nooot forget just because we have it so good here, we should never just get all complacent about these issues and let the rest of the world fall by the wayside. There are other less pressing issues that happen around us; they are very common issues to all countries, which makes it such a good reason for our countries to work together (have national cooperation and action). Drugs, human trafficking, other crimes, environment, and territory are concerns that every country shares. Palestine and Uganda are two third-world countries whose governments are not as stable as ours. They aren't stable enough to protect themselves from the bad things that are happening there and that's why they need international help. Some issues are too big for one country to handle by themselves and could be contained from spreading with the help of others. It is very important that we don't only think about bad things that happen in the Middle East because that could make us think of the people there as being bad.

Ugandan President

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