Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mayflower Question

1. The pilgrims were steadfast in their faith; this took them very far. It kept their spirits up in the hardest of times. They had humility in that they didn't think themselves too good to receive help from the native people. They showed extreme perseverance throughout the whole story. They continued to attempt survival, instead of just giving up, in the beginning when so many of them had been lost to disease and they faced constant fear of Indian attacks. They were good at adapting to their new surroundings for both moves, both to Holland and America. The only traits that turned out to work against them later was the second generation's laaack of humility which would later contribute to the build up of King Phillip's war and it also worsened the pilgrims relations with future settlers because of their sense of superiority and religious intolerance.

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