Monday, August 9, 2010

Song 15

We Didn't Start the Fire: Billy Joel---1989

Great song. Billy Joel lists off events in history to point out that just because there are conflicts and issues we are facing today, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with us or our generation (it still applies even though he is from an earlier generation) The message is that people have always been people since the begining of the world. There have always been conflict and problems in every age and in every civilization and there always will be.
His song also shows how history repeats itself. Wars, persecution, corrupt governments...
It could be used as a history lesson because there are events mentioned in the song that a lot of people may not remember or recognize from history. It makes you curious. He crams a lot of history (1949-1989) into that one song, though. I was going to count, but it seemed pointless.

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