Monday, August 9, 2010

Song 14

The Hands that Built America: U2---2002

U2 often sings about politcal or other issues in our world, this song included.
Bono reminds us where we all came from. We're not just Americans, we're everything that our history is. We are everyone from every country who ever left their home countries for a new beginning and new hope.
He talks about the struggle to reach the goal that we founded America on.. Liberty and justice for all. 'Of all the promises is this the one we could keep - Of all the dreams, is this one still out of reach'
I think the end is about 9-11 (early Fall, cloud on the New York skyline). , but it's hard to tell what his little symbols mean. What is the 'yellow line'? Maybe its the dividing line between those who don't believe in America (those who want to tear us down) and those of us who are still building America...

Powerful song. It reminds us that we are still creating America's history. We are still building America.

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