Monday, August 9, 2010

Song 8

Jesus Christ: Woody Guthrie---1940

I didn't konw they had redneck music in the 40's (they wrote this song for Joe!) The lyrics are meaningful but the music is pretty much unbearable. Guthrie tells the ancient story we all know but he uses common, everyday language. As he refrains 'and they laid Jesus Christ in the grave' he sings it in an upbeat tune... which is kind of weird. But millions of Christians have sung the very same phrases. Maybe he is upbeat because of the message of what it means that Jesus went to the grave - for us.
You don't have to like the song to appreciate the message. Guthrie does give witness through his song. I guess everyone worships in their own way.
It doesn't really teach you anything about America's history, but you can't forget that
America started with people who wanted to worship in their own way. Amen

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